Fiberlink adding Center City office

by Joseph N. DiStefano

Fiberlink, a 300-worker, cloud-based, mobile-device-management firm in Blue Bell, is adding a 30,000-square-foot office at Three Parkway, the former Reliance Insurance building, and plans to add up to 140 engineers, salespeople, researchers, and technicians there, the mayor told me.
Looking for space for new hires and current Philadelphia employees tired of reverse-commuting to the suburbs, Fiberlink called the city Commerce Department on May 14, the day Paoli-based Bentley Systems announced a Philadelphia office at the same tower. The company, like Bentley, hasn't asked for financial incentives, Deputy Mayor Alan Greenberger added.
Nutter said the city has been easier to sell in the last two years, since construction cranes have risen at Temple, Jefferson, the Buck Co.'s Chestnut Street apartments, and hotels by the Convention Center and Penn, among other projects.
"We're seeing population growth for the first time in 60 years because the 25- to 34-year-olds are living in Center City, Northern Liberties, University City, Manayunk, the Kensington area, you name it," Nutter said. Cities "are where the talent is." Nutter and Fiberlink chief executive James Sheward plan a ribbon-cutting next week.

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